Avg volume
PT. Mitrabahtera Segara Sejati Tbk (MBSS) bergerak dalam bidang penyediaan jasa pengiriman, baik kargo maupun penumpang, pengangkutan minyak dari kilang minyak, penyewaan kapal, biro pengiriman dari perusahaan pelayaran luar negeri, baik untuk pengiriman reguler maupun pengiriman non-reguler, dalam negeri dan luar negeri, agen pengiriman untuk perusahaan pelayaran, kapal tunda, penyewaan peralatan pengiriman dan pengiriman luar negeri. Perusahaan mulai beroperasi secara komersial pada tahun 1994. Perusahaan dimiliki oleh grup perusahaan yang dimiliki oleh PT. Indika Energy Tbk.
Aggressive Investor (POV from "intelligent Investor Book")
In choosing stocks for their long-term prospects, the investor’s handicaps are basically the same. The possibility of outright error in the prediction is no doubt greater than when dealing with near-term earnings. Because the experts frequently go astray in such forecasts, it is theoretically possible for an investor to benefit greatly by making correct predictions when Wall Street as a whole is making incorrect ones. But that is only theoretical. How many enterprising investors could count on having the acumen or prophetic gift to beat the professional analysts at their favorite games of estimating long-term future earning?
To enjoy a reasonable chance for continued better than average results, the investor must follow policies which are (1) inherently sound and promising, and (2) not popular on Wall Street.
1. Buying a neglected and therefore undervalued issue for profit generally proves a protracted and patience-trying experience. Selling short a too popular and therefore overvalued issue is apt to be a test not only of one’s courage and stamina but also of the depth of one’s pocketbook.* The principle is sound, its successful application is not impossible, but it is distinctly not an easy art to master.
2. There is also a fairly wide group of “special situations,” which over many years could be counted on to bring a nice annual return of 20% or better, with a minimum of overall risk to those who knew their way around in this field. They include intersecurity arbitrages, payouts or workouts in liquidations, protected hedges of certain kinds. The most typical case is a projected merger or acquisition which offers a substantially higher value for certain shares than their price on the date of the announcement.
3. A third and final example of the golden opportunities not recently available: A good part of our own operations on Wall Street had been concentrated on the purchase of bargain issues easily identified as such by the fact that they were selling at less than their share in the net current assets (working capital) alone, not counting the plant account and other assets, and after deducting all liabilities ahead of the stock. It is clear that these issues were selling at a price well below the value of the enterprise as a private business.
Pendeknya untuk menjadi agressive investor tidak mudah, karena kita harus bisa membaca prospek, melakukan analisa menyeluruh dan valuasi yang akurat dan tidak boleh kalah dengan analyst profesional. Apakah part time investor sanggup melakukannya?
sebagai agressive investor, ada 3 skillset sebagai senjata untuk mendapatkan return diatas rata rata :
1. Membeli saham undervalue atau melakukan short untuk saham overvalue dimana ini cukup menantang apabila saham pilihan kita melawan arus atau melawan common opinion dari berita dan forum stockbit ini. XD $PRDA
2. Melakukan arbitrage, memanfaatkan corporate action dengan sebaik mungkin seperti di tahun 2024 ini, karena tidak jarang ada rumor yang tidak terjadi ataupun batal. Sayangnya dengan semakin banyak partisipan maka nominal keuntungan kita akan berkurang. $ENAK
3. Pendekatan net net asset value apapun caranya, dengan prinsip membeli saham dibawah nilai aset yang dimiliki. perusahaan tersebut, dengan anggapan owner tidak akan menjual harga sahamnya dibawah nilai buku, ironisnya strategi ini berhasil di tahun 1957, tapi kurang berhasil di tahun 1970. $MBSS
📊Analisis Fund. Thd Kinerja, Industri dan kompetitor:
Current Price = 655
Fair Value = 4107
UnderValued 💹
Current Price = Harga saat ini
Fairvalue = Harga Wajar
Undervalued = Harga Murah
$MBSS double bottom.. harusnya hampir pasti ngegas.. kecuali kuncennya emg masih mau harganya gak naik
laba bersih citra citata +59%
good to know###
China's investment in Africa over the last 15 years has been significant and multifaceted, with a focus on infrastructure, energy, mining, and trade. Below is an overview of the key trends and developments:
1. Growth of Chinese FDI in Africa
Steady Increase: Chinese Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) in Africa has grown consistently. From less than $10 billion in 2007, it surpassed $40 billion by 2023.
Diverse Sectors: Investments span across sectors, with significant focus on infrastructure projects (roads, railways, ports, and airports), energy (oil, gas, renewables), mining, and manufacturing.
Key Countries: Nigeria, South Africa, Angola, Ethiopia, and Kenya are among the top recipients of Chinese investment.
2. Belt and Road Initiative (BRI)
The BRI, launched in 2013, has played a central role in driving infrastructure investments in Africa. It focuses on improving trade connectivity through transportation infrastructure and logistics networks.
Major projects include:
The Mombasa-Nairobi Standard Gauge Railway in Kenya.
The Djibouti-Addis Ababa Railway connecting Ethiopia to the Red Sea.
Investments in port development, such as in Djibouti, Nigeria, and Tanzania.
3. Shift in Investment Patterns
From Resources to Diversification: Initially, China's investments heavily targeted natural resources (oil in Angola, copper in Zambia, etc.). However, there is now greater diversification into manufacturing, technology, and services.
Industrial Parks: China has established industrial zones and manufacturing hubs, such as Ethiopia's Hawassa Industrial Park, supporting local job creation.
4. Trade Dynamics
Growing Trade Volume: China is Africa’s largest trading partner, with bilateral trade reaching over $280 billion by 2022.
Exports from Africa: Primarily raw materials such as oil, minerals, and agricultural products.
Imports to Africa: Primarily machinery, electronics, textiles, and technology products.
5. Debt and Loans
Loans for Development: China has provided significant loans to African countries, often tied to infrastructure development. By 2023, African debt to China exceeded $140 billion.
Debt Concerns: Critics argue that some countries, such as Zambia and Angola, are at risk of "debt traps," although China has restructured or forgiven debts in some cases.
6. Soft Power and Education
Cultural Exchange: China has expanded its soft power through Confucius Institutes, scholarships for African students, and medical assistance.
Digital and Tech Investments: Companies like Huawei and ZTE have supported Africa’s digital transformation by building telecommunication networks.
7. Challenges and Criticism
Sustainability and Employment: Critics argue Chinese projects often use imported labor and materials, limiting local benefits.
Environmental Impact: Mining and large-scale infrastructure projects have raised concerns about environmental sustainability.
Geopolitical Competition: Western nations view China's growing influence in Africa as a strategic challenge.
Summary of Impact
China’s investments in Africa have supported economic growth, infrastructure development, and technological advancement. However, concerns over debt, transparency, and equitable benefits persist. As African nations continue to negotiate these partnerships, the focus is shifting toward creating win-win scenarios that prioritize local development.
@fadhilonn $MBSS sy s7 ada sebagian kecil psp yg tdk terlalu butuh deviden seperti $PNIN dr hasil gaji, bonus & tunjangan sja sudah cukup bahkan lebih utk memenuhi gaya hidup mereka
kecuali psp jd owner yg pasif tdk aktif lg direct-manage company like other sleeping investor wkwkwk
$MBSS Kalo ditanya dividend selalu bilangnya antisipasi resiko makro, padahal $TPMA bisnisnya mirip mirip masih bisa bagi dividend. ada juga $IPCM. sabar sekali yah pengendali barunya…gak terlalu butuh return dari dividend.
"Fortunes are made in the holding, not in the buying" ternyata kekayaan atau keuntungan besar itu tercipta dengan menahan atau mempertahankan investasi untuk jangka waktu yang panjang, bukan hanya dengan membeli atau memiliki aset. https://cutt.ly/veFLdYAG
$MBSS (https://cutt.ly/PeHVMcvp) and $DAAZ 🤝☺️