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PT Sunindo Pratama Tbk. (Perseroan) adalah suatu perseroan terbuka yang saat ini memiliki kegiatan usaha utama yang bergerak di bidang perdagangan besar mesin, peralatan dan perlengkapan lainnya, perdagangan besar atas dasar balas jasa (fee) atau kontrak, aktivitas konsultasi manajemen lain, aktivitas penyewaan dan sewa guna tanpa hak opsi mesin pertambangan dan energi serta peralatannya dan perdagangan besar barang logam untuk bahan konstruksi.
@pentrg kebetulan nie bang bukanya saya gimana2 dulu saya juga ikutan $NAYZ dan itu masih dapat untung kalau $BMBL dia ga langsung Arb tapi merah dan kalau $SUNI kebetulan ga ikut ...jadi kita doa aja yang baik2 ...karena disini pasti banyak yang baru belajar saham ...jadi ya saran aja sih jangan nakut2in 🙏
koh $TOTO terimakasih deviden nya.........
$SUNI........ menarik...kah?????
Iseng pantau Performansi $SUNI ✅✅✅✅ termasuk Q1 Q2 2022, 2023 dan 2024 versi ROE dan ROA, Prospektus dan kondisi harga terakhir,
Catatan: Q4 2024 hanya perkiraan
versi lawas https://stockbit.com/post/15457179
Website Emiten https://cutt.ly/weVyCxUm
Prospektus https://cutt.ly/leVyCzik
LK Q3 2024 https://cutt.ly/GeVyCzKj
File xls, https://cutt.ly/neVyCz4B ulasan terbaru ada di sub sheet "Emiten ver. 1.1 part1"
yah jadi ritel mh serba salah, serok saham turun kyk $BBRI malah dibilang biang kerok penurunan harga saham, pas jual saham yg naik dibilang terlalu buru2 take profit....
mau itu 2jt,5jt,10jt lot klo diguyur atau dicabut bidnya juga longsor, ntar pas longsor stlah ARA paling ntar ngejek2in ritel yg beli di harga ARA toh...
gw sih gak ikut IPO $AADI , tpi sudut pandang dan kepentingan org2 di market mh beda2, gw ikut IPO2 multi bagger ketika take profit ya simpel "gada yg tau masa depan meskipun itu sedetik"
@Ivan1993 $SUNI
Careful krna likuiditas cukup kecil kliatan nya. & broksum rata” bnyak dipegang retail.
Masih ada potensi menguji support 769, koreksi normal stelah kenaikan bulan September ke Oktober.
Secara daily, stoch rsi baru penurunan dari area overbought nya jdi bisa di tunggu aja dulu.
Misal ada pantulan di 769, potensi bentuk sideways ke resistance terdekat nya dulu.
Misal breakdown, next support 719 untuk diuji.
Secara weekly chart, stoch rsi sudah di area oversold yg berarti untuk potensi koreksi estimasi ngga terlalu dalam. Jdi bisa dipantau dulu untuk support 1 nya di 769.
Misal ada mau coba entry stelah menguji support, ngga perlu terlalu ekspektasi & ada cuan bungkus bisa.
Mau sideways dibiarkan lebih lama dulu juga bisa misal mau lebih konservatif.
Bukan recom jual / beli & always dyor.
@Ivan1993 $SUNI mau melanjutkan distribusi. Selama masih bertahan di atas 810 bisa di hold. Jebol 780 distribusi keras=harga bakal longsor.
Kenapa sedikit banget yang bahas $SUNI ya, saham ini layak ga ya buat hold?
Random tag $ITMG $JIHD $INPC $ADRO
The cost of vibroseis services for seismic surveys can vary significantly depending on several factors, such as the project location, survey size, geological complexity, equipment used (e.g., Envirovib 15 or Hemi 44), and data processing requirements. Here's an overview of typical costs:
Average Price Range for Vibroseis Services
1. Onshore Seismic Surveys (e.g., for coal, gold, or copper mining):
2D Seismic Surveys:
Cost: Approximately 5,000 to 10,000 usd per kilometer.
Includes data acquisition, basic processing, and preliminary interpretation.
3D Seismic Surveys:
Cost: Approximately 15,000 to 30,000 usd per square kilometer.
Higher cost due to denser geophone arrays and more detailed imaging.
2. Factors Affecting Cost:
Terrain and Accessibility: Remote or rugged areas may increase costs due to transportation and setup challenges.
Survey Size: Larger surveys benefit from economies of scale, reducing cost per unit.
Environmental Sensitivity: Projects requiring low-impact tools (e.g., Envirovib 15) may incur additional costs for specialized equipment.
Breakdown of Cost Components
Equipment Rental: Costs for vibroseis vehicles like Hemi 44 or Envirovib 15 range from 1,000 to 2,500 usd per day.
Crew Costs: Seismic survey crews (operators, technicians, and geophysicists) typically charge 1,500 to 3,000 usd per day.
Data Processing and Interpretation:
Basic Processing: 3,000 to 5,000 usd per line.
Advanced Processing (e.g., 3D visualization): 10,000 to 20,000 usd depending on complexity.
Examples of Pricing by Industry
1. Coal Mining:
Smaller, localized 2D surveys for mapping coal seams may cost 50,000 to 200,000 usd , depending on scope.
2. Gold/Copper Mining:
Exploration surveys targeting deep structures may involve 3D seismic surveys costing 500,000 usd to several million dollars.
3. Oil and Gas (for comparison):
High-end seismic surveys (e.g., offshore 3D surveys) can reach 10,000 to 40,000 usd per square kilometer.
While these figures provide a general idea, prices for vibroseis services should be confirmed with providers based on the specific requirements of your project. If you are working on a particular site or have specific details, I can help refine the cost estimation further.
In coal mining, vibroseis tools like IVI Envirovib 15 and Hemi 44 are used for seismic surveys to map subsurface coal seams and associated geological structures. Here's how they work and the results they provide:
How Vibroseis Works in Coal Mining
1. Generating Seismic Waves:
The vibroseis truck generates controlled seismic waves by vibrating the ground.
These waves travel through the earth and reflect back to the surface when they encounter changes in subsurface materials (e.g., coal seams, rock layers).
2. Data Collection:
Geophones or sensors placed on the ground record the reflected waves.
The travel time and amplitude of the waves are measured to determine the depth, thickness, and continuity of subsurface layers.
3. Processing and Interpretation:
The recorded data is processed using specialized software to create seismic images.
These images display the geometry and depth of coal seams and other geological features.
Results and Insights Provided
1. Coal Seam Mapping:
Identify the depth, thickness, and extent of coal seams.
Detect split seams or areas where seams are interrupted by faults or folds.
2. Structural Features:
Map geological structures such as faults, folds, and intrusions (e.g., igneous dikes) that may affect mining operations.
3. Overburden Analysis:
Determine the thickness and properties of overburden (the material covering coal seams).
This helps in planning the removal of overburden in surface mining operations.
4. Hydrogeological Features:
Identify water-bearing strata or aquifers near coal seams to manage water inflow risks.
5. Mine Planning and Safety:
Optimize mine layout by avoiding problematic geological structures.
Enhance safety by detecting potential hazards like faults or weak zones.
Accuracy and Reliability
1. Strengths:
Seismic surveys provide highly detailed and accurate images of coal seams and surrounding geology.
They can detect coal seams at depths of several hundred meters, depending on ground conditions.
2. Limitations:
The quality of results depends on the density of geophone placement, seismic wave frequency, and ground conditions.
Vibroseis may have reduced effectiveness in areas with complex geology or thick surface vegetation.
3. Complementary Data:
Seismic data is often combined with borehole data, resistivity surveys, and geological mapping for a comprehensive understanding.
Summary of Results
Using vibroseis in coal mining allows for:
High-resolution mapping of coal seams, including depth and continuity.
Identification of structural disruptions like faults or folds.
Planning for efficient and safe mining operations.
This makes vibroseis an essential tool for exploratory and operational phases in coal mining projects.