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Indopoly Swakarsa Industry Tbk.








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Company Background

PT Indopoly Swakarsa Industry Tbk. (ISI) adalah perusahaan manufaktur kemasan fleksibel terkemuka. ISI memiliki dua anak perusahaan di China: Yunnan Kunlene Film Industries Co. Ltd. (YKFI), yang masing-masing berlokasi di Kunming dan Suzhou Kunlene Film Industries Co. Ltd. (SKFI), yang terletak di Suzhou.

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$IPOL pantau terus sesi 2 bakal ara ni

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Negative capital expenditure (capex) generally refers to a situation where a company's reported capex is negative on its financial statements. This could mean a few things, depending on the context:

1. Asset Sales or Divestitures:
The company may be selling fixed assets, such as equipment, buildings, or other property. The proceeds from these sales could be recorded in the capex line as a negative number, offsetting any purchases or new investments. For instance, if a company sells an old facility, the cash inflow from the sale could result in negative capex.

2. Net Capex Adjustment:
Some companies report net capex, which is total capital expenditures minus proceeds from asset disposals. If the proceeds from asset disposals exceed the spending on new investments, the resulting figure can be negative.

3. Accounting Adjustments:
Unusual accounting treatments, such as reclassifications or adjustments for past periods, could result in negative capex being reported temporarily.

Does Negative Capex Always Mean Asset Sales?

Not necessarily. It might reflect net accounting entries, but asset sales are the most common explanation for negative capex. To confirm, you would need to check:

The cash flow statement, under "Investing Activities," for more details on asset sales.

The notes to the financial statements, which often explain significant line items like capex or asset disposals.

Negative capex is not inherently bad but could signal that a company is shrinking or restructuring, depending on its strategy and overall financial health.


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ada 3 syarat ciri-ciri saham akan rebound dimiliki saham ini.

ada yang bisa menebak saham apa ini?

Yang mau tahu saham apa ini, silahkan follow ya nanti saya kasih beritahu.

random tag: $MAPA $PYFA $IPOL $NASI $CGAS

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*TN *BS *V

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$IPOL ???

Iseng pantau Performansi $KDSI ✅✅termasuk Q1-Q4 2022 - 2024 versi ROE dan ROA, Corporate Action dan kondisi harga terakhir. Net Profit Q4 2024 hanya perkiraan, sambil menunggu LKnya.

Berdasarkan persetujuan RUPSLB, Pemecahan Saham dilakukan atas seluruh saham Perseroan dengan rasio 1 (satu) saham menjadi 4 (empat) saham.
Corporate Action https://cutt.ly/meGKJrAP

Website emiten : https://cutt.ly/HeGKJr5x

LK Q3 2024 https://cutt.ly/WeGKJrZk
File xls, https://cutt.ly/veGKJtaO ulasan terbaru ada di sub sheet "Emiten ver. 1.1"



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Unnderated company.
nobody sees coming.
china stimulus. . .
anak usaha di china.

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