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PT Citra Tubindo Tbk bergerak dibidang perdagangan dan industri, pemberian jasa dibidang industri minyak & gas bumi dan pertambangan. Perseroan melaksanakan kegiatan usaha seperti membuat, memberikan pelayanan, memperbaiki alat-alat dan perlengkapan untuk menunjang industri perminyakan dan gas bumi. Perseroan mengoperasikan aktivitasnya sesuai dengan maksud dan tujuan yang tertera dalam Anggaran Dasar Perseroan yaitu menjadi pemasok keperluan Oil Country Tubular Goods(OCTG), pipa salur, dan pipa pengeboran kepada perusahaan minyak dan gas bumi yang mencakup pipa tanpa kampuh dengan mengacu kepada standard API (American Petroleum... Read More
Gold as gauge ; gold stabilizes ; The Fed expected to make another cut while moving to gradual shift to netrality, market moves with confidence
$DOID 1000 sih harus, nunggu emas tembaga perak nya mulai.
$CASS ya short term 1 tahun 2000-2500
$CTBN suni gimana minyak
$HERO mungkin bisa jadi mainan long term multibagger baru...atau multibeggar bin miskin
yang follow sy krn update mapa,
moga2 sy bisa konsisten kasi info perkembangannya lagi
opini sy 1250 di tangan
1400 misteri tapi penuh harapan wkwkwk
akan mulai jarang di stockbit
Saleem , sayangilah $CASS
Jakarta, CNN Indonesia -- Pemerintah memangkas 'pajak' bandara sebesar 50 persen demi menurunkan harta tiket pesawat di momen Natal dan Tahun Baru (Nataru).
Diskon pajak bandara itu tertuang dalam Keputusan Direktur Jenderal (Dirjen) Perhubungan Udara Nomor KP 250 DJPU Tahun 2024 tentang Pengenaan Tarif Penerimaan Negara Bukan Pajak Sebesar 50 Persen terhadap Pelayanan Jasa Kebandarudaraan pada Unit Penyelenggara Bandar Udara di Lingkungan Direktorat Jenderal Perhubungan Udara Selama Masa Hari Raya Natal Tahun 2024 dan Tahun 2025, yang dirilis Jumat lalu (22/11).
Pajak bandara yang dimaksud adalah pengenaan penerimaan negara bukan pajak (PNBP) terhadap pelayanan jasa bandara di lingkungan Direktorat Jenderal Perhubungan Udara.
Pelayanan yang didiskon 50 persen salah satunya adalah pelayanan jasa penumpang pesawat (PJP2U) atau biasa dikenal Passenger Service Charge (PSC). Diskon tarif ini berlaku selama periode Nataru.
Selain PJP2U, diskon tarif PNBP sebesar 50 persen juga menyasar Pelayanan Jasa Pendaratan Pesawat Udara, Pelayanan Jasa Penempatan Pesawat Udara, serta Pelayanan Jasa Penyimpanan Pesawat Udara.
Adapun periode Nataru yang dimaksud terbatas pada penerbangan pada 19 Desember 2024 hingga 3 Januari 2025, dengan periode pemesanan tiket pesawat mulai 25 November 2024.
Pengenaan pajak bandara 50 persen ini juga hanya berlaku di bandara yang berada di bawah operasi Kementerian Perhubungan. Sedangkan untuk bandara-bandara besar yang dikelola BUMN, belum ada aturan serupa soal penurunan pajak bandara sebesar 50 persen ini.
Pemerintah memang tengah berupaya menekan harga tiket pesawat Indonesia yang dikenal sebagai yang termahal di dunia. Adapun komponen harga tiket yang dibayarkan masyarakat terdiri dari tarif jarak, pajak, iuran wajib asuransi, dan biaya tuslah/tambahan (surcharge).
Kalau misalnya saya bikin buka sharing ilmu perbankan online, kira-kira tema apa yang paling minat, oleh Saudara sekalian?
Pilih hanya 1 opsi, yang mendekati opsi Saudara.
breaking news : kim jong un sudah memerintahkan kim jong bang untuk melakukan negosiasi akuisisi $CTBN sebagai persiapan membawa korea utara menjadi negara dengan ekonomi lebih terbuka. Pertemuan dihadiri Lord Happy sebagai pihak yang akan ikut terlibat dalam kerjasama bidang migas.
$CTBN $BIRD $MBTO $UCID $UNVR .... Pembayaran royalti adalah hal yg biasa dalam bisnis. Recall ke pembahasan bayaran royalti BIRD taun lalu :D cuman 2% saja ribut semua ... dibandingkan dengan bisnis yg lain. Segitu mah nggak ada apa2nya. Coba cek CTBN, UCID dan UNVR ... Pada tanggal 2 Desember 2011, Perusahaan mengadakan
perjanjian royalti dengan Vallourec Oil & Gas France.
Royalti dihitung sebesar 3,25% dari penjualan.
Perjanjian ini berlaku efektif pada tanggal
1 Januari 2012 untuk jangka waktu 10 tahun.
Pada tanggal 25 Februari 2016, kedua belah
pihak merubah jangka waktu perjanjian royalti dimana
akan diperpanjang secara otomatis selama satu
(1) tahun kecuali ada pemberitahuan tertulis yang
dikirim oleh salah satu pihak ke pihak lainnya. Royalti
yang dibebankan pada operasi masing-masing sebesar
USD 4.683.977 dan USD 3.924.841 untuk periode
sembilan bulan yang berakhir pada
30 September 2024 dan 2023, yang dicatat pada akun
“Beban pokok pendapatan” dalam laba rugi.
induk $CTBN diprediksi terbang. (15 euro upgraded ke 21 euro)
CTBN shareholdernya termasuk nippon steel.
$SUNI yang tadinya fokus domestic market dengan TKDN tinggi apa mungkin ekspor stelah pabrik barunya jadi ?
bandar avoid mini golden crot, kata lord hammi @Candra088 kinantar
$CTBN $SUNI $DOID $TOTL #mapa #cas #cass #cardig aero services
WTI crude futures rose about 2% to $70.1 per barrel on Thursday, driven by escalating tensions between Russia and Ukraine. Reports indicated that Russia had launched an intercontinental ballistic missile at Ukraine for the first time, following Ukraine’s use of US- and UK-supplied long-range weapons earlier in the week. Traders are also anticipating the OPEC+ meeting scheduled for December 1st, amid speculation that the cartel may delay output increases. However, a rise in US crude inventories capped further price gains. Data from the EIA showed that US crude oil inventories increased by 0.5 million barrels last week, exceeding expectations of a 0.4 million-barrel build. Gasoline stocks also rose by 2.1 million barrels, outpacing forecasts of a 1.6 million-barrel increase.
US natural gas prices soared by 7% to 4.3/MMBtu, extending yesterday’s 6% surge to the highest in one year, as forecasts of colder weather lifted the outlook on heating demand and expedited expectations on the start of storage withdrawing season. Data from the EIA showed that gas storage fell by 3 billion cubic feet on the week ending November 15th instead of expectations of a 5 billion cubic feet build, an expedited first drop of the season, as relatively low prices in the prior week drove producers to cut output. In turn, the most recent forecasts pointed to colder-than-usual temperatures on the West Coast and most of the nation besides the Gulf Coast. In turn, supply concerns in Europe ahead of the turn of the year drove LNG feed gas flows to rise to a 10-month high, limiting domestic supply.
OCTG (Oil Country Tubular Goods) is widely used in the natural gas industry in addition to its applications in oil exploration and production. The tubing, casing, and drill pipes that make up OCTG are essential for both oil and natural gas wells, as the processes for drilling and extracting gas share many similarities with oil production.
Specific Uses of OCTG in the Gas Industry:
1. Casing:
Provides structural integrity to the wellbore in natural gas fields.
Protects the well from collapse during gas extraction, particularly in deep or high-pressure gas reservoirs.
2. Tubing:
Used to transport natural gas from the wellbore to the surface.
Tubing in gas fields often requires higher-grade steel and coatings due to exposure to corrosive gases such as hydrogen sulfide (H₂S) or carbon dioxide (CO₂).
3. Drill Pipes:
Facilitates the drilling of natural gas wells, especially in unconventional gas fields like shale gas or coalbed methane fields.
4. Specialized OCTG for Gas:
Wells in high-temperature or high-pressure conditions (common in gas fields) may require premium-grade OCTG with specific metallurgical properties and threaded connections to handle stress and prevent leaks.
Demand for OCTG in Natural Gas:
The rise in natural gas exploration, particularly in regions focusing on LNG (Liquefied Natural Gas) exports (e.g., the U.S., Qatar, and Australia), has increased the demand for OCTG.
Gas-specific wells, especially in shale gas fields and deep-sea natural gas reservoirs, require advanced OCTG products to handle unique challenges like horizontal drilling or corrosive environments.
Industry Trends:
Shift to Gas: With the global energy transition focusing on cleaner energy sources, natural gas is playing a larger role, increasing the demand for OCTG in gas fields.
Technological Innovations: Gas wells often necessitate premium connections and materials to ensure safety and efficiency, which drives growth in specialized OCTG markets.
Integrated Drilling Projects: Many oil producers are also natural gas producers, using OCTG in multi-energy extraction operations.
In summary, OCTG is indispensable for the natural gas business, and its demand is expanding due to the global emphasis on energy security and the transition toward cleaner fuels like natural gas.
Outlook for the Gas Business in Indonesia and Asia-Pacific Beyond 2024
Market Dynamics
The gas industry in Indonesia and the Asia-Pacific region is poised for significant growth. Indonesia, with its abundant natural gas reserves and a growing focus on domestic energy security, is expected to increase its production capacity, supported by substantial investments in gas infrastructure projects, including pipelines and LNG facilities. Demand for natural gas in the region is driven by the rapid economic expansion of countries like Indonesia, India, and Malaysia, and the ongoing energy transition favoring cleaner energy sources such as natural gas.
Asia-Pacific is projected to grow at a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of approximately 4% over the next few years. Key drivers include government incentives, increased LNG terminal construction, and greater integration of natural gas in industrial and transportation sectors. However, challenges such as price volatility and competition from renewable energy sources persist.
Recent Price Trends
Over the last three years, natural gas prices have experienced notable fluctuations:
2021-2022: Prices surged due to post-pandemic recovery and supply disruptions exacerbated by geopolitical tensions, including the Russia-Ukraine conflict.
2023: Prices began to normalize as production ramped up globally, and milder winter conditions in major consuming regions reduced demand.
Future Price Projections
The medium-term outlook suggests price stability driven by increased production and efficiency improvements in LNG supply chains. In Indonesia, domestic pricing is expected to be favorable due to government efforts to cap gas prices for priority sectors, fostering industrial growth while enhancing competitiveness.
Opportunities for OCTG in Gas Development
The growth of the gas sector presents opportunities for manufacturers of Oil Country Tubular Goods (OCTG), as gas exploration and production also require OCTG for drilling operations. Indonesia’s focus on monetizing gas reserves aligns with rising demand across Asia-Pacific, supporting OCTG manufacturers like PT Citra Tubindo Tbk (CTBN) and PT Sunindo Pratama Tbk (SUNI). This robust regional demand provides a favorable backdrop for expansion and revenue growth in this segment.
The combination of strong gas demand, supportive policies, and expanding infrastructure investments creates a promising outlook for both natural gas and related industries, including OCTG manufacturing, in Indonesia and the broader Asia-Pacific region. Companies positioned to serve this growth will benefit from the sustained global trend towards cleaner energy and economic growth in the region.
Negative capital expenditure (capex) generally refers to a situation where a company's reported capex is negative on its financial statements. This could mean a few things, depending on the context:
1. Asset Sales or Divestitures:
The company may be selling fixed assets, such as equipment, buildings, or other property. The proceeds from these sales could be recorded in the capex line as a negative number, offsetting any purchases or new investments. For instance, if a company sells an old facility, the cash inflow from the sale could result in negative capex.
2. Net Capex Adjustment:
Some companies report net capex, which is total capital expenditures minus proceeds from asset disposals. If the proceeds from asset disposals exceed the spending on new investments, the resulting figure can be negative.
3. Accounting Adjustments:
Unusual accounting treatments, such as reclassifications or adjustments for past periods, could result in negative capex being reported temporarily.
Does Negative Capex Always Mean Asset Sales?
Not necessarily. It might reflect net accounting entries, but asset sales are the most common explanation for negative capex. To confirm, you would need to check:
The cash flow statement, under "Investing Activities," for more details on asset sales.
The notes to the financial statements, which often explain significant line items like capex or asset disposals.
Negative capex is not inherently bad but could signal that a company is shrinking or restructuring, depending on its strategy and overall financial health.
CTBN - PT. Citra Tubindo Tbk Rp 2.350 +210 (+10,00%) Info Selengkapnya! JAKARTA. PT Citra Tubindo Tbk (CTBN), emiten penyedia jasa dan fasilitas untuk industri migas, mencetak laba bersih sebesar US$18,46 juta pada sembilan bulan pertama (9M) 2024. Perolehan tersebut meningkat 59% year-on-ye...