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Vaccine Will Be Ready By End of Year

The companies estimate that there is potential to supply millions of vaccine doses by the end of 2020

See I told you things will get better sooner than expected :wink:

Jadi ga usah peduli terhadap LK Q1 & LK Q2 karena mayoritas itu udah pasti buruk :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes: . Yang penting kita beli saham di harga sesuai ANTISIPASI kita terhadap LK Q1 & LK Q2 yang buruk :wink: tetapi secara long term, yah mari kita nikmati profit gila-gilaan saat masih banyak "dermawan" yang bersedia jual Ferari + Lamborgini + Aston Martin seharga Honda Brio :sunglasses:


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