Indonesia’s Widodo Orders Toll Roads Completion Before Election
(Bloomberg) -- Some builders have been instructed to bring their toll road projects to completion before general elections in April, according to President Joko Widodo.
* Among those toll roads are Jakarta-Surabaya, Bakaheuni-Terbanggi Besar and Bakaheuni-Palembang
* “So people can use them for Eid holidays, but also for election purpose,” Widodo speaks at Bank Indonesia’s annual bankers’ gathering in Jakarta on Tuesday
* Widodo, known as Jokowi, pushes for the completion of Kuala Tanjung port in North Sumatra in 2018 and Makassar New Port in January
* Runway improvement project in Soekarno-Hatta International Airport aimed to be completed at mid-2019
* Indonesia has to catch up with airport development on growing demand of flight slots from foreign airlines, says Jokowi
* NOTE: Netflix Generation Not Impressed by Indonesia’s ‘Dirty’ Politics