Udah agak lama gak baca, mulai baca lawrence cunningham dengan bahasan quality investing. Salah satu kutipan tentang perbedaannya dengan value investing dan signifikansi quality investing:
"The key difference facing equity investors is that they must find companies in the stock market, where theory suggests that the superior attributes of quality companies would be fairly reflected in price, offering no investing advantage. But while premiums are paid for shares of such businesses, they are frequently insufficient. Valuation premiums of quality companies often reflect some degree of expected operational outperformance, but actual performance tends to exceed expectations over time. Stock prices thus tend to undervalue quality companies."
Sekarang masih mau tambah muatan AADI, saya rasa kualitasnya udah teruji karena yaaa essentially ini ADRO, dan saya sempat pegang ADRO hampir 2 tahun sekitar 2021 lalu. Sekarang udah jadi porto terbesar kedua dan porsinya sekitar 6% overall porto. Target jadi sekitar 10-15% by the end of May. We'll see.