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– Letter for lung cancer. Three months after Susan Wojcicki’s death from lung cancer at age 56, the former YouTube CEO has shared a final message. YouTube posted on its blog this morning a letter written by Wojcicki in the weeks before her death.

November is Lung Cancer Awareness Month, and Wojcicki wanted to share what she learned about lung cancer—including that it is the No. 1 cause of cancer death in women and the second most common type of cancer in women. Lung cancer is underfunded compared to other cancers, Wojciki wrote, adding that she planned to use her time and resources fighting for cures for cancer and lung cancer.

Wojcicki also shared a bit about her own experience. “At the end of 2022, I was diagnosed with lung cancer,” she wrote. “I had almost no symptoms and was running a few miles a day at the time. I had never smoked so I was totally shocked with this diagnosis.” She wrote that she nearly immediately decided to resign as CEO of YouTube, but continued to serve on the boards of Salesforce, Planet Labs, and Waymo, while spending her time focusing on her health, her family, and cancer research, donating millions of dollars to the cause.

udut/ora udut tetep æ modiar.
hanya konspirasi aja yah bahwa ngrokok menyebabkan kanker supaya bisa mungutin cukai 😆
Ide berburu di kebun binatang adalah ungkapan yang paling tepat atas malas & rendahnya kreativitas (baca: BODOH) dari institusi direktorat pajak & cukai.

Coba sini² yang ngaku lulusan dokter ngasi penjelasan kenapa dia modiar kena kanker paru padahal no smoking ? Kasi penjelasan konspirasi aja GPP kalau penjelasan ilmiahnya ga ada di text buku kuliah/jurnal ilmiah.


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