Futu's MooMoo is pretty aggressive.
I don't see how $KENANGA / 6483 (KENANGA INVESTMENT BANK BERHAD) $MERCURY / 8192 (MERCURY INDUSTRIES BERHAD) $APEX / 5088 (APEX EQUITY HOLDINGS BERHAD) $SYF / 7082 (SYF RESOURCES BERHAD) can compete from the angle of stockbroking. It's a race to the bottom. Those who's not able to find other avenues to make money will struggle big time.
Plus what do this say about the long term prospect of $BURSA / 1818 (BURSA MALAYSIA BERHAD) when you're poaching the future investors away from the local market? Cos the way I see it - as much as Moo Moo can trade MY stocks, they dont care about the local market, but poaching and promoting to trade foreign stocks. Ah well...