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Investing mantras: 5 key money lessons investors can learn from Ray Dalio of Bridgewater Associates

Ray Dalio, founder of Bridgewater Associates, is an ace investor and a self-made billionaire. He started investing in stocks before his teenage years. Before he entered high school, he had already created an investment portfolio running into several thousand dollars. 

Here we give a lowdown on some of the key investing principles:

+ Build your own success:

Ray Dalio was not a big fan of school and in fact, he hated it. So, he thought of carving out his own success. 

He did odd jobs such as mowing lawns, shovelling snow and delivering newspapers. At the outset of his investing career, he bought the shares of Northeast Airlines for $300 at the age of 12, and tripled his investment after the company merged with another. 

This is how he realised that he could get anything that he wanted by working for it.

+ Building independent opinions:

As a child, he used to cut out coupons and exchange them for annual reports of Fortune 500 companies. 

Once he collected them, he tried to make sense of the market on his own. From thereon, he developed a unique management style which is independent and unique. 

+ Investing in sectors you know of:

He believes that investing is risky regardless of which sectors you choose to invest in. 

One of the easiest ways to make investing less risky is to opt for the sectors that you are well acquainted with.  

+Avoid being reactive:

A lot of investors make investment decisions based on the trajectory that the markets are taking. Usually, investors invest in the rising stock and sell in the falling. 

Bringing risk lower:

Ray Dalio is known to be conscious of the inherent risks that investing carries. 

It is believed that Bridgewater Associates became the largest fund house because of the unique way in which Dalio ran it. He makes sure to minimise the risk by diversifying his investment so that it is not a complete loss regardless of which way the market moved. 

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Artikel ini berisi tentang 5 pelajaran investasi dari Ray Dalio

1. build your own success ( bangun kesuksesan anda sendiri ) . Bangun kesuksesan anda sendiri , Lakukan sesuatu buat diri anda sendiri , jangan bergantung dengan orang lain . Saya tambahin Lakukan sekarang juga. Kalo anda memilih jalan di bursa sebagai jalan kesuksesan anda, lakukan dengan sepenuh hati, jangan lakuin setengah2x .

2. building independent opinios ( buat thesis anda sendiri , buat thesis yang jauh dari conflict of interest ). Your money , your responsibility . Jangan gantungkan nasib uang anda pada opini orang lain, jangan gantungkan nasib uang anda pada thesis orang lain. Belajar buat thesis sendiri, cari data selengkap mungkin, cari data sedalam mungkin. Lakukan analisa , ambil sebuah keputusan investasi dari analisa tersebut. keputusan investasi terbaik yang pernah ada , adalah keputusan yang anda buat sendiri

3. investing in sector what u know of ( berinvestasi lah di sektor yang anda paham bener ) . Perusahaan mana yang akan menjadi tempat investasi yang baik ? Berinvestasi lah pada perusahaan yang anda mengerti bisnisnya, yang anda paham bisnisnya, yang anda tau alur putaran uang nya, yang anda punya kompetensi di dunia tersebut. Saat anda tau semuanya ? anda tau apa yg anda beli, anda cukup duduk manis melihat semuanya bertumbuh

4. Avoid being reactive ( jauhi sikap reactive ). Jangan terlalu reactive dengan keadaan. Tetap berpikir logis saat anda dihadapkan suatu hal. Tempatkan psikologis anda selalu di level 0. Matikan urat Fear and Greed anda. Market jangan kebanyakan dilihat, dengan dilihat seharian juga ga akan merubah harga nya. Justru hal itu nantinya yang bakal memancing sikap reactive anda. Beli jual saat melihat price action. Anda di permainkan oleh Market.

5. Bringing Risk lower ( beli saat resiko rendah ) , saham itu high risk high return ? saham itu low risk tapi potensial high return. low risk saat anda bisa me manage resiko nya. Beli saham bagus saat kejatuhan, semakin jatuh disanalah resiko yang kita hadapi semakin berkurang. Jangan dibalik, beli saham kejar2x an harga. Beli saham baik saat ada gejolak, beli saham jangan mikir untung nya aja , tapi mikir berapa resiko yang saya hadapi, untung nanti akan datang dengan sendirinya.

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